About the WellBeCome Project





Contract number / Contract number / Contract number- CB007.2.22.112Project total / Amount of

project / Project value - 136 175.88 euroEU co-financing / European co-financing / European

co-financing - 115 749.49 euroDuration in months / Duration of the project in months / Duration

project in months - 15

Project partner 1 / Project partner 1 / Project partner 1 „Association Azbukari“, R. Bulgaria

Azbukari Association, Republic of Bulgaria

Association "Azbukari", R.BulgariaProject partner 2 / Project partner 2 / Project partner 2 "Hristo

Botev “Primary School, Dimitrovgrad, R. Serbia

Hristo Botev School, Dimitrovgrad, Republic of Serbia

Hristo Botev Primary School Dimitrovgrad, Republic of Serbia

Project partner 3 / Project partner 3 / Project partner 3 "Ivan Vazov" School, Aldomirovtsi village,

municipality of Slivnitsa, R. Bulgaria

Ivan Vazov School, Aldomirovtsi village, Republic of Bulgaria

Ivan Vazov School, Aldomirovtsi village, Bulgaria


PROJECT OBJECTIVES / PROJECT OBJECTIVES / PROJECT OBJECTIVES: The main project objective is to encourage

the cooperation initiatives with young people in the CBC area for the promotion of WellBeCome way of life (a

life of well-being)/ Основната цел на проекта е да насърчи сътрудничеството и инициативите между

young people in the border region to promote a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle

(WellBeCome)/ Главни циљ пројекта је подстицање сарадње и иницијатива међу младима у

border region to promote a healthy and bloated lifestyle (WellBeCome)


PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: 1. Encouraged cooperation between youth in the CBC area for WellBeCome (well-

being) activities/ Подпомогнато сътрудничество между младежите в пограничния регион за развитие на

WellBeCome activities (activities for healthy and fulfilling life)

Cooperation of young people in the border region encouraged for the development of WellBeCome activity

(activities for a healthy and fulfilled life)

2. Created 2 WellBeCome rooms in the CBC area

Created 2 WellBeCome rooms in the border region


Direction 2 WellBeCome to a student in the border region

3. Created WellBeCome Network platform

WellBeCome platform for cooperation created

Dedicated to WellBeCome internet platform

4. Prepared materials for WellBeCome trainings and activities

Prepared materials for WellBeCome trainings and classes

Prepared materials for WellBeCome training and classes

5. Trained WellBeCome trainers

Trained WellBeCome trainers

Trained WellBeCome trainers

6. Conducted WellBeCome activities in the partnering schools

Conducted WellBeCome classes in the partner schools

Implementation of WellBeCome activity in partner schools

7. Conducted 2 WellBeCome final events

Implemented 2 WellBeCome final event


TARGET GROUPS / ЦЕЛЕВА ГРУПА/ ЦИЉНА ГРУПА:- Student from Hristo Botev School, Dimitrovgrad


- Students from Ivan Vazov School, Slivnitsa municipality;

- Youths, living in Slivnitsa municipality;

- Youths in Dimitrovgrad municipality;

- Population of Slivnitsa Municipality;

- Population of Dimitrovgrad Municipality.

- The students from Hristo Botev School, Dimitrovgrad Municipality;

- The students from Ivan Vazov School, Slivnitsa Municipality;

- Young people from the municipality of Slivnitsa;

- Young people from the municipality of Dimitrovgrad;

- The population of Slivnitsa municipality;

- The population of Dimitrovgrad municipality.


-Students of Hristo Botev Primary School, Dimitrovgrad Municipality, Republic of Serbia

-Students of Ivan Vazov school, Aldomirovtsi village, Slivnitsa municipality, R. Bugarska

-Young people who live in the municipality of Dimitrovgrad

-Young people who live in the municipality of Slivnitsa

-Population of the municipality of Dimitrovgrad

-Population of Slivnitsa municipality

WellBeCome project


Let's change the world! Perhaps, this is a cherished goal of the well-being of each of us. But when it comes to the fact that the world needs to be better not only for us but also for our children, then we will have to decide together - how to live so as to turn our dreams into their happy life.



This platform aims to provide comprehensive advice and training medals for: 

  • equal quality education throughout life;
  • attitudes towards empathy and goodwill;
  • mutual assistance in eliminating hunger and providing better nutrition;
  • focus on a healthy lifestyle in families;
  • active involvement in culture, sports and other areas of their creative performances;
Highly qualified specialists


Проф. д-р Весела Гюрова, Факултет по науки за образованието и изкуствата, СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“ – Експерт по педагогика

Проф. д-р Анджелина Янева – Прокопова, Департамент по спорт , СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“ – Експерт физическо възпитание и спорт, образование, адаптирана физическа активност

Доц. д-р Ася Емилова Асенова, Катедра „Методика на обучението по биология“, Биологически факултет, СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“

Д-р Мария Валявичарска, асистент във Факултет по науки за образованието и изкуствата, СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“ – Експерт по специална педагогика и логопедия

The project is co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Program.

This platform has been made with the support of the European Union through the Interreg-IPA Bulgaria-Serbia Cross-border Cooperation Program 2014-2020, CCI No2014TC16I5CB007. The contents of this platform are the sole responsibility of the beneficiary and should in no way be interpreted as a standpoint of the European Union or the Managing Authority of the Program.




Welcome to WellBeCome!

The project is funded by the European Union through the Cross-border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA Bulgaria-Serbia 2014 - 2020.

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